Thomas Liljenberg SWEDEN DREAMS Initially shown as an exhibition at Kalmar Art Museum, Sweden and in the building of the Swedish Parliament, Stockholm. Sweden Dreams consist of a combination of dream texts and photographs of Swedish Prime Ministers. The artist obtained and collected the dream through advertisements in Swedish local newspaper during 1992 and 1993. The photographs of the ministers were copied directly from the Parliament's books on file. The dream texts and the photographs of the ministers were then combined completely at random - one dream for each Swedish Prime Minister during the twentieth century until present day. Sweden dreams may be read percepted observed both as a socially involved piece of art, and as a sequence of poems collected directly from our common inner reality. As "art" the book reveals the absurd connection between Prime Ministers and dreams also revealing the inconceivable distance of today between inner and outer; between the "man on the street" and the power; between politics and dream. Back |