Leif Elggren Thomas Liljenberg A SCHOLAR STOOPS MOUNTED ON A WHITE CHARGER ![]() A Scholar Stoops Mounted on a White Charger a novel by Leif Elggren and Thomas Liljenberg Size 148 x 210 mm. 226 pages. Paperbacked. A Scholar Stoops Mounted on a White Charger is a derivate from their hilarious collection of letters written to powerful and famous people all over the world; the book Experiment with Dreams (Firework Edition 1996). "A story begins. An outer surface under which layer after layer may be imagined. The red threads of this story are attached to other stories, other times and space. A sentence, a centre, in the writing of the letter a kind of condensation suddenly appears as a goal, but turns out to be just a mirage: the beginning of yet another story. There is no given truth for the artist. Each work and every statement is an expression of a hidden source of energy that the work tries in vain to control through its form and content. Therefore the work must be a process; an analysis that not only comprises the unconsciousness of the analysed, but which also allows the unconscious desire of the analyst to be expressed. As in a conversation in which the words have entered an alliance with each other and the apparent is always the threshold to something else. Thus, letter is laid upon letter on the poetic map. One begins in a dream, a memory, a refrain, or a word in a completely different letter. New names and new roles grow out of other names and meetings. Thomas and Leif become one, become three, become four..." (From the preface of Experiment with Dreams) Voices about Experiment with Dreams: The idiosyncratic Swedish artists Leif Elggren and Thomas Liljenberg have released a challenging but hilarious CD and book project from Firework of Sweden...coming up with these fantastic dreams. (Neil Strauss; The New York Times, April 17, 1997) At times hilarious, disgusting, humiliating, boring, happy or just plain rude ... A truly original experiment, and better still a superbly imaginative work. (mFr; Immerse 001, London, 1997) You won't believe this book, this conceptual approach to dreams. It's a Wonder! (Umbrella, USA, Vol. 20, Nr 1, Jan. 1997) Ich wünsche diesem absurden Package möglichst viele Leser und Hörer, denn ein so amüsantes Projekt ist mir seit Jahren schon nicht mehr begegnet. (Martin Büsser; Testcard #3, Germany, 1996) Am besten ist es, man legt sich das ganze Package zu und hat damit eines der originellesten und abgründigsten Zeitdokumente, das in keinem Haushalt fehlen darf. (Annibale Picicci; Artefakt #3, Germany, 1997) Återigen dessa underbara synergier av lustifikation och seriöst handlande, improvisation och notariemässigt rapporterande. Ett nytt beteende d”r lagar, etik och vanliga tankar ”r avskaffade. Tack. (Mikael Strömberg; Aftonbladet, Sweden, 6 april 1997) Breven, som vart och ett ”r enastÂende skrattretande konstverk i mytomani, blottl”gger genom sin absurditet och skenbara naivitet det ofantliga avstånd som råder mellan makthavare inom olika omrÂden och den "lilla" människan. (Mårten Castenfors; Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden, 1 Juni 1996) Back |